[Vtigercrm-developers] 6.5.0 Release Update

Prasad prasad at vtiger.com
Tue Jun 28 14:45:52 GMT 2016

> If there was a really convincing number of unloved merge requests, then I
> might be tempted to do something but there really isn't. If I was to
> suggest a change, I really want the on-demand stuff to be resynced with the
> open source project, the open source code should lead the on-demand
> platform because I don't want to waste my time doing stuff that has already
> been done, perhaps in an incompatible way.

You are right... our goal is make the Opensource a product that drives
Ondemand platform.
But certainly gap on features would exists due to pace of release that
happens on the cloud platform
and control it provides on each migration.

Down-porting features of Ondemand to Opensource is certainly preferred way
to us as well.
Some of the changes like... Edition support that drives the Ondemand adds
to complexity in this process.
This deserves a release on its own, we plan to this takes up in 7.0.0


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On Tue, Jun 28, 2016 at 7:50 PM, Alan Bell <alan.bell at libertus.co.uk> wrote:

> You can do a fork on code.vtiger.com just as easily as you can on github.
> You can fork it and add new features and contribute them back. I do this. I
> wrote the instructions here http://code.vtiger.com/vtiger/vtigercrm on
> how to fork it, fix or change something and contribute back your
> improvements.
> There have been some issues getting prompt reviews of merge requests, and
> I have raised concerns about that and many fixes got in, along with a few
> features. There is a ton more in the pipeline and I have a fork with a
> comprehensive update of all the javascript libraries (doesn't fully work
> yet, I haven't had time to complete it and my country seems to have just
> broken, which is a bit of a distraction).
> Doing a branding fork, creating "wtiger" or whatever is a *heap* of work
> and risk I don't want to do, and customers are asking for help with their
> vtiger, not yetiforce or sugarcrm or anything else.
> If there was a really convincing number of unloved merge requests, then I
> might be tempted to do something but there really isn't. If I was to
> suggest a change, I really want the on-demand stuff to be resynced with the
> open source project, the open source code should lead the on-demand
> platform because I don't want to waste my time doing stuff that has already
> been done, perhaps in an incompatible way.
> Alan.
> On 28/06/16 12:11, Garry Brighton wrote:
>> @socialboostdk - mate, how long are you here? Read archive and see how
>> long things here are in "talking" progress...
>> I am not frustrated because of vtiger guys, I am frustrated that
>> community here can not find alternative
>> but holds vtiger foot like there is nothing behind them... few of you are
>> really great programmers.. join together
>> and do little fork on github, no need any marketing/money, just honest
>> contribution and fair merging....
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