[Vtigercrm-developers] Function vtws_revise creates an incorrect history entry

MrJingles paddy at renaissancegroup.co.uk
Mon Jun 6 22:53:24 GMT 2016


Sorry to bother you again, but I am trying to improve on my Custom Function.

In simple terms this is what I am trying to achieve:

1. A change is made to a contact. 
2. A Custom function is then ran to update a field for a record in a custom

This fails with either an error message stating: "Permission to perform the
operation is denied for id" OR the code doesn't fail but the update doesn't

If I change the function to use the exact same code to update a field for
the contact in step 1 - the function runs correctly.

If I use the same code to run for a custom module update, that updates a
field in the custom module - the function runs correctly.

It seems unusual that I can't update a field in different module from the
one that has been updated.

I'm just wondering if you have come across this behaviour before and have
any tips you could provide?

Thanks in advance for any help you are able to give.

Cheers, Paddy

View this message in context: http://vtiger-crm.2324883.n4.nabble.com/Function-vtws-revise-creates-an-incorrect-history-entry-tp19167p19171.html
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