[Vtigercrm-developers] vtiger inc. do you really mean this?

Alan Lord alanslists at gmail.com
Thu Jan 7 11:36:58 GMT 2016

We have been discussing a project with vtiger for a new prospect 
recently. One of the issues they raised was to do with the way the 
Outlook Plugin worked (or not properly in their mind).

I had to say to them that because it is closed source there is nothing 
we can do to help improve it and they need to contact vtiger directly 
with their concerns.

The customer response was pretty bad:

"It is a pity to read that you cannot help out with outlook integration, 
because I think that is a major point for usability for our sales team. 
And I feel a bit blocked, because vtiger central helpdesk tells me I 
cannot count on them for support because we have the open source version 
and they only offer support for on demand customers... "

Is this really your point of view? If so then make the Outlook Plugin 
Open Source so we can fix it (or get it fixed) or charge for it and 
provide support.



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