[Vtigercrm-developers] How to extend feature such as Global Search without core modifications ?

Preexo preexo at googlemail.com
Thu Feb 18 06:29:55 GMT 2016

Thanks for the example Alan, I will look into this again and see what I am
still missing.
But I actually have trouble to understand where this whole class stuff comes
from? This is no native JQuery stuff, is it? It also doesn't look like usual
prototyping. I can't figure out where that comes from. 
I am having the feeling it has to do with the jquery.class.min.js library
loaded, but haven't figured out where the documentation for that one is.
Is it this one? https://github.com/kilhage/class.js/ To me this part of
vtiger has always been too much voodoo.
Thanks for the help!

About the extension pricing discussion: Making extensions cost a little more
is fine. It's business buying them, if it brings a benefit business is
willing to pay for it. 
To me personally, extensions are only pushing my temper when they turn out
to be only half thought through, require major web server changes, break
other existing extensions or take away my flexibility away to have a
development copy of my production system. 
I have bought around 6 different extensions so far, most of them are pretty
cool. Two of them I regret having bought in the first place, they harmonized
so badly that we decided on not using them anymore and coded our own
Also the vtiger marketplace needs a better structure.

Alan Lord (News) wrote
> On 17/02/16 07:42, Preexo wrote:
>> Oh, but If I define it like this, I can see bar when loading the page and
>> foo
>> when actually searching something... Is this the right way then to
>> overwrite
>> a function of an existing class?
> Are you actually initialising your new class?
> loading it is one thing, initialising it is another ;-)
> http://paste.ubuntu.com/15099275/
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