[Vtigercrm-developers] Installing vtiger with an old session

Błażej Pabiszczak b.pabiszczak at yetiforce.com
Fri Apr 22 11:38:07 GMT 2016


Your problem is nothing new, every novice Vtiger programmer had a
problem with it, you can find dozens of topics in Google, I even
answered some of them, they all were related to this particular problem.

The problem was discussed 10 years ago, here's one of these topics:
The solution itself is very simple, it's enough to separate sessions in
the application [if Apache allows for that]. 

You can find hundreds of problems like this one, they result from the
fact that Vtiger doesn't introduce changes, and doesn't allow users to
introduce them. If the users could introduce changes the problem
would've been fixed 10 years ago. 

In our system it was one of the first things we changed, because for us
it was a security error in a way.

Z poważaniem / Regards 

_Chief Executive Officer_ 
M: +48.884999123
E: b.pabiszczak at yetiforce.com 

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W dniu 2016-04-22 10:07, Preexo napisał(a):

> I just wasted half an hour of my life trying to get my head around this until
> I realized it's just the session. Because I tried installing a dev
> environment with a old session from the old dev environment in my browser.
> This error comes up when installing a new vtiger with an old vtiger session
> in the browser. :
> ```
> PHP Fatal error:  Call to a member function Execute() on a non-object in
> /var/lib/shared/websites/custom/www/crmdev/include/database/PearDatabase.php
> on line 357
> ```
> I just leave this here for future reference. Close the browser, delete the
> session, everything is fine...
> --
> View this message in context: http://vtiger-crm.2324883.n4.nabble.com/Installing-vtiger-with-an-old-session-tp18855.html
> Sent from the vtigercrm-developers mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
> _______________________________________________
> http://www.vtiger.com/

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