[Vtigercrm-developers] Vtiger + Asterisk Incoming Popup problem.

Vladimir Karažija vladimir at kosacrta.hr
Wed Sep 30 10:59:02 GMT 2015

No, you will need to remove agi script in from-trunk context...


Vladimir Karažija
Kosa crta d.o.o.
Jagnedje 1
10090 Zagreb
OIB: 57724075047

t. +385 1 777 33 85
m. +385 91 122 0511

On Wed, Sep 30, 2015 at 11:39 AM, Michele Mastropieri <
michele.mastropieri at gmail.com> wrote:

> If I disable click-to-call we can solve the issue of all extension rings?
> 2015-09-30 11:12 GMT+02:00 Vladimir Karažija <vladimir at kosacrta.hr>:
>> What SIP client are you using, maybe it is possible to adjust that
>> incoming calls are only accepted from your extension, because you must
>> allow incoming calls for click to call to work.
>> And vtiger calls from your extension to make outgoing call.
>> This is something I will need to test to see what solution is best or
>> even possible.
>> Yes, agi scripts takes full control and that is the problem.
>> regards, Vladimir
>> Vladimir Karažija
>> Kosa crta d.o.o.
>> Jagnedje 1
>> 10090 Zagreb
>> OIB: 57724075047
>> t. +385 1 777 33 85
>> m. +385 91 122 0511
>> www.kosacrta.hr
>> On Wed, Sep 30, 2015 at 11:02 AM, Michele Mastropieri <
>> michele.mastropieri at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi, it is true, and it is a problem because I want that only 1 extension
>>> can answer to the incoming calls.
>>> Into PBX I've an inbound route that have as destination the 104
>>> extension, but seems to be ignored and all extensions rings.
>>> How I can solve the issue in your opinion?
>>> 2015-09-30 9:47 GMT+02:00 Vladimir Karažija <vladimir at kosacrta.hr>:
>>>> Try to setup two or more users in vtiger & extensions and then make
>>>> incoming call (from external number).
>>>> You will see popup in all users logged in vtiger and all extensions
>>>> will be ringing.
>>>> regards, Vladimir
>>>> Vladimir Karažija
>>>> Kosa crta d.o.o.
>>>> Jagnedje 1
>>>> 10090 Zagreb
>>>> OIB: 57724075047
>>>> t. +385 1 777 33 85
>>>> m. +385 91 122 0511
>>>> www.kosacrta.hr
>>>> On Wed, Sep 30, 2015 at 9:35 AM, Michele Mastropieri <
>>>> michele.mastropieri at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> 2015-09-29 19:24 GMT+02:00 Vladimir Karažija <vladimir at kosacrta.hr>:
>>>>>> Great to be of help ;) When you visit Croatia, just let me know ;)
>>>>> Of course! :D
>>>>>> Just to be clear, with this setup you get incoming call popup for
>>>>>> external calls and you have working click to call for outgoing calls from
>>>>>> vtiger?
>>>>> Yes.
>>>>>> To be honest, never tested internal calls for incoming call popup on
>>>>>> vtiger 6.3 version...
>>>>>> This is probably because internal calls are handled by from-internal
>>>>>> context and are not in context where agi script is catching calls.
>>>>>> You will have another problem with incoming calls, all extensions
>>>>>> will be ringing and all users will get popup. This is known "bug" or
>>>>>> "feature".
>>>>> What do you means exactly when you tell me about this bug?
>>>>>> regards, Vladimir
>>>>>> Vladimir Karažija
>>>>>> Kosa crta d.o.o.
>>>>>> Jagnedje 1
>>>>>> 10090 Zagreb
>>>>>> OIB: 57724075047
>>>>>> t. +385 1 777 33 85
>>>>>> m. +385 91 122 0511
>>>>>> www.kosacrta.hr
>>>>>> On Tue, Sep 29, 2015 at 6:36 PM, Michele Mastropieri <
>>>>>> michele.mastropieri at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> Moving agi script from [from-internal] to [from-trunk] into
>>>>>>> extensions.conf made me able to get incoming popup! And for this I'll offer
>>>>>>> a beer :-)
>>>>>>> My context for sip phone extensions is [from-internal].
>>>>>>> Changed outbound trunk with trunk name for external calls.
>>>>>>> Yes, I use SIP trunk for external calls.
>>>>>>> The internal calls do not appears into incoming popup. Only from
>>>>>>> external sip trunk. Why?
>>>>>>> 2015-09-29 16:48 GMT+02:00 Vladimir Karažija <vladimir at kosacrta.hr>:
>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>> my configuration is different but works.
>>>>>>>> Do you have [from-trunk] context in your extensions.conf ?
>>>>>>>> This is where I put agi script for incoming call popup. Not in the
>>>>>>>> from-internal, remove agi script [from-internal] context.
>>>>>>>> Also what is your phone extension context? It should be
>>>>>>>> from-internal.
>>>>>>>> And in Provider configuration in PBX manager change Outbound trunk
>>>>>>>> to trunk name that you use for external calls.
>>>>>>>> You use SIP trunk for external calls?
>>>>>>>> Vladimir Karažija
>>>>>>>> Kosa crta d.o.o.
>>>>>>>> Jagnedje 1
>>>>>>>> 10090 Zagreb
>>>>>>>> OIB: 57724075047
>>>>>>>> t. +385 1 777 33 85
>>>>>>>> m. +385 91 122 0511
>>>>>>>> www.kosacrta.hr
>>>>>>>> On Tue, Sep 29, 2015 at 9:55 AM, Michele Mastropieri <
>>>>>>>> michele.mastropieri at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> If I click-to-call from vtiger, the call is placed out. The
>>>>>>>>> problem is that no incoming call popup appears! Please help me if you have
>>>>>>>>> some minutes.
>>>>>>>>> <<<<Vtiger Asterisk Server Details:>>>>
>>>>>>>>> Vtiger Asterisk App URL
>>>>>>>>> Outbound Context vtiger
>>>>>>>>> Outbound Trunk from-internal
>>>>>>>>> Vtiger Secret Key 38270845255
>>>>>>>>> <<<<end details>>>>
>>>>>>>>> <<<<VtigerAsteriskConnector.properties>>>>
>>>>>>>>> // Location where the application server will be running.
>>>>>>>>> ServerIP   =
>>>>>>>>> ServerPort = 8383
>>>>>>>>> // Call Recordings storage path
>>>>>>>>> StorageDir = /VtigerAsteriskConnector
>>>>>>>>> // Enable(true) or Disable(false) call recordings
>>>>>>>>> Recording = true
>>>>>>>>> // Location where the applications database files will be stored.
>>>>>>>>> AsteriskAppDBPath = /VtigerAsteriskConnector
>>>>>>>>> // Asterisk Server Details
>>>>>>>>> AsteriskServerPublicIP =
>>>>>>>>> AsteriskServerIP   =
>>>>>>>>> AsteriskServerPort = 5038
>>>>>>>>> AsteriskUsername   = admin
>>>>>>>>> AsteriskPassword   = 123456
>>>>>>>>> // Vtiger CRM URL
>>>>>>>>> VtigerURL =
>>>>>>>>> VtigerSecretKey = 38270845255
>>>>>>>>> //Enable(true) or Disable(false) Asterisk Events and Database Logs
>>>>>>>>> in Connector
>>>>>>>>> AsteriskLog = true
>>>>>>>>> DatabaseLog = true
>>>>>>>>> <<<<VtigerAsteriskConnector.properties>>>>
>>>>>>>>> <<<<manager.conf>>>>
>>>>>>>>> [general]
>>>>>>>>> enabled = yes
>>>>>>>>> port = 5038
>>>>>>>>> bindaddr =
>>>>>>>>> displayconnects=no ;only effects 1.6+
>>>>>>>>> [admin]
>>>>>>>>> secret = 123456
>>>>>>>>> deny =
>>>>>>>>> permit =
>>>>>>>>> permit =
>>>>>>>>> permit =
>>>>>>>>> permit =
>>>>>>>>> read =
>>>>>>>>> system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user,config,command,dtmf,reporting,cdr,dialplan,originate
>>>>>>>>> write =
>>>>>>>>> system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user,config,command,dtmf,reporting,cdr,dialplan,originate
>>>>>>>>> writetimeout = 5000
>>>>>>>>> #include manager_additional.conf
>>>>>>>>> #include manager_custom.conf
>>>>>>>>> <<<<end manager.conf>>>>
>>>>>>>>> <<<<extensions.conf (interested parts)>>>>
>>>>>>>>> [vtiger]
>>>>>>>>> exten => _X.,1,Agi(agi://
>>>>>>>>> [from-internal]
>>>>>>>>> include => from-internal-noxfer
>>>>>>>>> include => from-internal-xfer
>>>>>>>>> include => bad-number
>>>>>>>>> exten => _X.,1,Agi(agi://
>>>>>>>>> <<<<end extension.conf>>>>
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