[Vtigercrm-developers] marketplace

Simone Travaglini simonetravaglini at gmail.com
Fri Sep 18 12:35:10 GMT 2015

Alan thanks for your answer!

2015-09-18 14:29 GMT+02:00 Alan Lord <alanslists at gmail.com>:

> On 18/09/15 13:13, Simone Travaglini wrote:
>> Hi,
>> someone would share his experience with marketplace?
>> 1. it's a good channel to sell?
> We think so, yes.
> 2. how protect software and how you can manage in a compatible way with
>> marketplace
> We don't really believe in "protected software"... In my opinion, the
> people/businesses who buy through the marketplace really do not care if a
> module is open or closed - they buy it because it's easy. almost all of
> them wouldn't even know where to look nor do they care.
> 3. critical issue (as example I know that email of customers are not
>> provided!)
> ??? Is this a question? It's not _critical_ to me. It would be nice, but
> it's not that big a deal.
> What I'd really like is just a simple email telling me that one of our
> Extension modules has been bought.
> The other thing I think should be improved is in the vtiger Extension
> Store itself. The admin user should be notified when there is an update to
> an installed Extension module.
> Al
> _______________________________________________
> http://www.vtiger.com/

Simone Travaglini
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