[Vtigercrm-developers] Custom Layouts

Prasad prasad at vtiger.com
Thu Oct 22 04:11:42 GMT 2015


If you plan to tweak the existing UI doing through Javascript
(HEADERSCRIPT) is better.

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On Thu, Oct 22, 2015 at 5:45 AM, Richard Hills - Technologywise <
richard at tw.co.nz> wrote:

> Hi guys
> Just wondering if anyone has already played with this in 6.4...
> In my instance we have a number of layout files which I have had to modify
> to suit my needs:
>> ./modules/Inventory/LineItemsContent.tpl
>> ./modules/Calendar/resources/List.js
>> ./modules/Accounts/DetailViewHeaderTitle.tpl
>> ./modules/Campaigns/resources/RelatedList.js
>> ./modules/Campaigns/RelatedList.tpl
>> ./modules/Assets/EditView.tpl
>> ./modules/HelpDesk/DetailViewHeaderTitle.tpl
>> ./modules/Project/DetailViewHeaderTitle.tpl
>> ./modules/Vtiger/SideBarLinks.tpl
>> ./modules/Vtiger/resources/Edit.js
>> ./modules/Vtiger/resources/Vtiger.js
>> ./modules/Vtiger/resources/Header.js
>> ./modules/Vtiger/UnifiedSearchResults.tpl
>> ./modules/Vtiger/DetailViewHeader.tpl
>> ./modules/Vtiger/DetailViewPostProcess.tpl
>> ./modules/Contacts/DetailViewHeaderTitle.tpl
> Ideally I simply wanted to move these templates to a custom layout,
> thinking that the system would then fall back to the files from vlayout
> when it found something was not available in our layout.
> After some very quick testing, it seems that custom layouts in fact need
> to contain the entirety of the layout folder, which to me seems wrong, I
> would much rather see this layout system treating new layouts as an
> override rather than a replacement for the existing layout.
> Without any more time to put on this at the moment I just wondered if
> someone can either confirm that I am correct and the layout needs to
> contain all files, or if I am maybe just overlooking something like
> assigning a parent layout?
> To be honest, with a single layout per instance if this is not an override
> system I see very little benefit from it being implemented, maybe with the
> exception of making it slightly quicker to check/merge layout changes
> between version updates.
> Would also be keen to hear about planned development of this feature.
> Thanks
> --
> Richard Hills
> TechnologyWise Ltd, Tauranga, NZ
> richard at tw.co.nz
> www.technologywise.co.nz
> ph: +64 (0)7 571 1060
> fax: +64 (0)7 571 1061
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