[Vtigercrm-developers] Customer Portal

Alan Lord (News) alanslists at gmail.com
Wed Sep 3 09:41:15 GMT 2014

We've modified the existing portal for several customers (because it was 
the fastest way) which have editable fields, searchable and filterable 
tables (jQuery datatables just rocks) and other bits and bobs.

But the truth is, out of probably a hundred clients, we have 2 that 
needed a portal like this for their customers.

I like the idea of using something like Joomla! or WP as a platform but 
then you introduce a whole issue of upgrade compatibility when WP or 
Joomla! changes which I think would be a PITA to keep track of 
(especially with Joomla!)

I think we'd be better off starting to document the requirements of a 
new Portal from the ground up somwehere, *together* with the vtiger 
developers and try to use this a springboard project to true 
collaborative development between the community and vtiger.

But first we need to know what it is that should be built. We all have 
approached this in different directions because our customers 
requirements were different: "You can't please all of the people, all of 
the time"...


On 03/09/14 09:44, Pabiszczak, Błażej wrote:
> During the past two days I looked at four different customer portals.
> It’s surprising how low are the needs of Vtiger users because no one has
> yet created a portal with better and more advanced functions. Business
> approach of Vtiger is destructive for the development because Vitiger
> prefers to create silly modules such as “RSS module” / “Our sites
> module”. The true is that an end user is not important for any company
> that deploys Vtiger.

Libertus Solutions

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