[Vtigercrm-developers] Thunderbird Extension Error with DB

Simone Travaglini simonetravaglini at gmail.com
Wed Oct 29 07:19:12 GMT 2014

For me works also in 6.1. I think it's really a usefull connector and I
hope will be maintained! Thanks to Alan for his works!

2014-10-28 22:26 GMT+01:00 Alan Lord (News) <alanslists at gmail.com>:

> On 28/10/14 21:11, Felix Weber wrote:
>> Hi,
>> we are currently running a vTiger customizing project for a client. Part
>> of that is using the Thunderbird Extension, but even before we
>> start, we get some errors with the plain normal setup:
>> When trying to add an email with Thunderbird Extension I always get:
>> Contacts and leads turn up fine but I cannot export any emails!
>> Any ideas?
> The code for the extension is on the forge and, to be brutally honest, it
> hasn't had a lot of love and attention for quite a while now. I did most of
> the development on it since the days of Thunderbird version 3.
> I use it daily here in the office but we haven't upgraded our vtiger
> system from 5.4.0 yet so can't confirm if it works with 6.1.0 or not.
> Since Mozilla kind of dropped development for Thunderbird and left it to
> the community, I've not really spent any time on the extension - just
> checking it still works when they release updates.
> Have you grepped the source for the Error string to see where it coming
> from? What is in the Thunderbird Error console? Once the forge is back
> on-line I'll try and take a look if I get chance.
> Al
> --
> Libertus Solutions
> http://www.libertus.co.uk
> _______________________________________________
> http://www.vtiger.com/

Simone Travaglini
328 5499846
Linkedin: Simone Travaglini

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