[Vtigercrm-developers] RelatedList columns? [Solved?]

Stencel, Maciej m.stencel at opensaas.pl
Wed Oct 15 19:00:08 GMT 2014

Yes, You got that right. I should browse new emails from top to bottom. Not
the other way around :)
15 paź 2014 18:36 "Alan Lord" <alanslists at gmail.com> napisał(a):

> On 15/10/14 17:25, Alan Lord wrote:
>> Am I doing something daft or has the way the column headings for Related
>> Lists changed in vt6.1.
> Why is it that, just after I write something down and send an email, I try
> something else and discover the answer??? ;-)
> So RelatedList columns = Summary View Fields. Does this mean there is no
> need for the $list_ arrays at all any more?
> What if we want to change the fields shown depending on where they are
> being viewed (which relationship)? We could do this before by moving the
> $list_ stuff into the module class constructor. Is this not possible any
> more?
> This also dictates the columns in the Popups. Again, what If I want
> different columns in a Popup...
> Thanks
> Al
>> I have two custom modules made using vtlib and each has a set of fields
>> defined in the $list_fields and $list_fields_name arrays as I've always
>> done. But they do not appear to be making a blind bit of difference to
>> what fields are shown in the related list???
>> One module is showing many more fields than in my $list_ arrays and the
>> other is only showing one column and that one isn't even in the $list_
>> arrays at all for that module...
>> I'm assuming I've got a typo somewhere but just wanted to check that
>> I've not missed some major change in the way these lists are configured...
>> Thanks
>> Al
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