[Vtigercrm-developers] Looking for a VT6/GeoTools Cluebat...

Uma S uma.s at vtiger.com
Sat Mar 8 15:12:31 GMT 2014

Hi Alan,

You can do an ajax request to List.php (modules/Accounts/views), which will
get contents of module listView, which can be rendered in left-hand div.

On Fri, Mar 7, 2014 at 4:24 PM, Alan Lord <alanslists at gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm looking at what's involved with porting GeoTools to VT6 and not
> getting very far.
> The most complex part of getting GeoTools to work nicely in 5.4.0 was the
> way I managed to "embed" the normal module's list view (and all it's
> associated filters etc.) inside the GeoTool's module display.
> I've been looking at the VT6 architecture and can't fathom how I can do
> this.
> I have the map and a new template laying out the page as I'd want it but I
> just can't follow the MVC to work out how I'd, for example, display the
> Accounts list view in the left-hand div on the attached screenshot.
> Anyone got any suggestions or pointers?
> Al
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Best Regards
Vtiger Team
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