[Vtigercrm-developers] VT6 Import Question

Joe Bordes joe at tsolucio.com
Mon Mar 3 16:50:51 GMT 2014

In case it is related:


El 03/03/14 17:17, Alan Lord escribió:
> A new customer who we've set up with VT6 just called.
> She imported about 50 Contacts for a test. The Contact csv has an 
> Organisation column with the Company name in it.
> Upon creation the Contacts were duly created, as were the 
> Organisations and the accountid field in the contact was correctly 
> filled in.
> However, when you looked at a Contact in the UI the Organisation name 
> was blank, and editing and re-saving to another organisation didn't 
> help either.
> It transpires that in vtiger_crmentity, the new label column, wasn't 
> filled in and did not equal the name of the Organisation - it was 
> NULL. (I have repeated this on a different system - Looks to be a bug 
> with the import routine).
> I did a mass edit (setting the Notify Owner checkbox to true) on all 
> Organisations and this then updated the label column in vtiger_crmentity.
> But why did this happen in the first place and how do we stop it 
> happening again?
> Also, as an side, I tried to undo the Mass edit to turn the Notify 
> Ownder checkbox back off) but when the mass edit box popped up the 
> field was not checked so I an now unable to reverse that mass edit via 
> the UI. this is also a bug.
> Cheers
> Al
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