[Vtigercrm-developers] VT6 Import Question

Alan Lord alanslists at gmail.com
Mon Mar 3 16:17:30 GMT 2014

A new customer who we've set up with VT6 just called.

She imported about 50 Contacts for a test. The Contact csv has an 
Organisation column with the Company name in it.

Upon creation the Contacts were duly created, as were the Organisations 
and the accountid field in the contact was correctly filled in.

However, when you looked at a Contact in the UI the Organisation name 
was blank, and editing and re-saving to another organisation didn't help 

It transpires that in vtiger_crmentity, the new label column, wasn't 
filled in and did not equal the name of the Organisation - it was NULL. 
(I have repeated this on a different system - Looks to be a bug with the 
import routine).

I did a mass edit (setting the Notify Owner checkbox to true) on all 
Organisations and this then updated the label column in vtiger_crmentity.

But why did this happen in the first place and how do we stop it 
happening again?

Also, as an side, I tried to undo the Mass edit to turn the Notify 
Ownder checkbox back off) but when the mass edit box popped up the field 
was not checked so I an now unable to reverse that mass edit via the UI. 
this is also a bug.



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