[Vtigercrm-developers] Correct timezone settings

Bernard Bailey bernard.bailey at timezone.co.nz
Sun Jun 15 23:20:05 GMT 2014

Hi developers,

I have retrieved the following settings in one of our server iimplementations. 

UTC_TIMESTAMP() = 2014-06-15 22:40:38
@@system_time_zone  = NZST
now() = 2014-06-16 10:40:38 
@@global.time_zone = SYSTEM
@@session.time_zone = SYSTEM 
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() =2014-06-16 10:40:38

I believe the standard is we should have the server running at UTC and only the 
users should be on their timezone?
If so does this mean the @@system_time_zone should return UTC and not NZST?

We are seeing calendar displays and report dates showing dates that are 12 
hours out which is the difference between NZST and UTC.

How do I correct @@system_time_zone?

All assistance is appreciated.

Bernard G Bailey

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