[Vtigercrm-developers] Record-Level Profile Attributes?

Alan Lord (News) alanslists at gmail.com
Mon Jun 9 17:41:13 GMT 2014

Has anyone needed to do this before?

I could really do with making certain fields in a module read-only but 
on a per-record basis depending on the value of the field(s). If it is 
empty or null, make it read/write, but once it has been set to a value, 
make it read-only for certain Profiles.

I guess it's a little similar to a displaytype 4 but that only works on 
first creation and is then read-only for everyone; including admin.

My current thinking is to go the Javascript route and handle the 
read/write that way, but just wondering if anyone else has had to effect 
something like this before?



Libertus Solutions

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