[Vtigercrm-developers] create a module based on the trouble ticket (HelpDesk) module

Alan Lord alanslists at gmail.com
Thu Jul 17 07:46:29 GMT 2014

On 17/07/14 08:13, Hamono, Chris (DPC) wrote:
> Thank you for attempting to help me
> Unfortunately the link you provided does not assist. The information is
> very basic and does little more than an introduction. Much of the
> insides of vtiger is very opaque.

This is a developer's mailing list. If you ask specific question you are 
much more likely to get a helpful answer. Example:

"What is the right syntax to use to create a table in my custom module's 
Manifest file?"

> Is there some documentation which provides details about manifest.xml

Alternatively just open another module's zip file and take a look or 
Google presented me with this as it's first link:




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