[Vtigercrm-developers] [2.] How to redirect a view in vtiger 6.1 ?
prasad at vtiger.com
Tue Jul 15 12:36:41 GMT 2014
If you expect user-feedback post-request I would suggest the following:
- On the Current page - show progress bar / message.
- Perform an call to Action Controller through Ajax (look at
resources/app.js - AppConnector.request)- parse the response.
- On success - redirect to target page.
- On error - show feedback to user.
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On Tue, Jul 15, 2014 at 5:32 PM, Holbok István <holbok at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Prasad,
> Thank you for the suggestion.
> If I understand well, I can use the event handler to do some things
> triggered by the vtiger.entity.aftersave event.
> To continue the flow is the best to redirect to the action controller,
> with
> $redirectUrl = 'index.php?module=Custommodule&*action*
> =Customaction&mode=Custommode';
> header("Location: $redirectUrl");
> exit();
> And in the process function of the Customaction Controller is suggested to
> make the control flow decision.
> And if I would like to insert a modal popup window to notify the vtiger
> user and ask him to decide something, then I can insert into the page HTML
> using Vtiger_Response::Emit() the HTML content of this modal popup window
> from the Customaction Controller.
> It was your suggestion?
> Kindest regards:
> Istvan
> 2014.07.15. 7:49 keltezéssel, Prasad írta:
> Its either View or Action Controller which should make the control flow
> decision.
> Delegating it to (mode / record - like event handler) would create
> trouble when its gets executed through Webservices.
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> On Tue, Jul 15, 2014 at 11:17 AM, Prasad <prasad at vtiger.com> wrote:
>> Reference:
>> http://community.vtiger.com/help/vtigercrm/developers/extensions/internals.html#ui-request-processing
>> The View request flow would go through
>> preProcess
>> process
>> postProcess
>> Redirection in process would fail as preProcess emits some content -
>> you many have to override this.
>> Action is best candidate since preProcess and postProcess is not
>> triggered.
>> Regards,
>> Prasad
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>> On Tue, Jul 15, 2014 at 12:37 AM, Holbok István <holbok at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Dear Vtiger Community,
>>> I would like to redirect a view in vtiger 6.1. What is the best
>>> suggested way to do it?
>>> Case:
>>> There is an event handler registered to the Contacts (standard) module
>>> in my Custom module.
>>> The Save action in the Contacts module triggered the event handler and I
>>> could see, the program executed. The red line log the info to the logfile.
>>> if($eventName == 'vtiger.entity.aftersave') {
>>> // Entity has been saved, take next action
>>> *$log->debug('Contacts: vtiger.entity.aftersave --- fired
>>> in Custommodule directory');*
>>> // Check some conditions
>>> // If the conditions true, redirect the view
>>> $redirectUrl = 'index.php?module=*Custommodule*&view=
>>> *Customview*';
>>> header("Location: $redirectUrl");
>>> * exit();*
>>> }
>>> Adding the command *exit();* after the line of header the redirection
>>> started work.
>>> But the question is still exist: *Is this way the best method to change
>>> vtiger view depending a condition?*
>>> Other question is: How to do different modal popup windows related to
>>> the 'vtiger.entity.aftersave' event of the Contacts module without
>>> rewriting the original code?
>>> Any suggestion is appreciated.
>>> Kindest regards:
>>> Istvan
>>> --
>>> üdvözlettel:
>>> *Holbok István*
>>> +3670-342-0900
>>> *e-mail:* holbok at gmail.com
>>> *SkyPe:* holboki
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>>> http://www.vtiger.com/
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