[Vtigercrm-developers] VT61 No SINGLE_Users label
Alan Lord (News)
alanslists at gmail.com
Mon Jul 14 06:33:24 GMT 2014
On 14/07/14 06:59, Rishab K wrote:
> Alan,
> I found the translation for this label in vtiger.php.As
> <http://vtiger.php.As> per the design if the translation is not found in
> /lang_prefix/Users.php then translation engine will look for the
> translation in /lang_prefix/vtiger.php.
> Is there any specific reason we are expecting for the translation to be
> present in Users.php explicitly.
Yes :-)
In my new GeoTools for 6.1 I also support the Users module. If there are
no Users found in the search results, the message "No MODULENAME found .
Create new SINGLE_Modulename" in the template is looking for the
language strings in the module's language file.
> <td>
> {assign var=SINGLE_MODULE value="SINGLE_$LIST_MODULE"}
> {if $VIEWNAME == 'noGeoCodes'}
> {vtranslate('LBL_GEOTOOLS_CONGRATS_NO_UNCODED', 'GeoTools')} {vtranslate($LIST_MODULE, $LIST_MODULE)}
> {else}
> {vtranslate('LBL_NO')} {vtranslate($LIST_MODULE, $LIST_MODULE)} {vtranslate('LBL_FOUND')} {vtranslate('LBL WITHIN SEARCH PARAMETERS', 'GeoTools')}.<br />{vtranslate('LBL CHANGE SEARCH PARAMS', 'GeoTools')} {if $IS_MODULE_EDITABLE} {vtranslate('LBL_OR')} {vtranslate('LBL_CREATE')} <a href="{$LIST_MODULE_MODEL->getCreateRecordUrl()}">{vtranslate($SINGLE_MODULE, $LIST_MODULE)}</a>{/if}
> {/if}
> </td>
I could add a test and code around this specific instance in the
template but it seemed right simply to add the Single_Modulename line to
the appropriate language file?
Libertus Solutions
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