[Vtigercrm-developers] Vtiger 6

John Crisp john at reetspetit.net
Mon Nov 11 13:49:46 GMT 2013

On 11/11/13 11:27, Adrián Granado - Refineria Web wrote:
> Seems that you missunderstand my whole text, what it is a pity :(

I don't think I did :-) Alan was spot on right.

> Im not making a demand in any moment. When I say: " Meet the project
> deadlines is a general demand of every company.", I mean is an internally
> demand of every company, Obviusly the companies don’t need to make public
> every schedule of every product.

> If you release some dates, just try to adapt and meet the deadlines. Like if
> you release some features, try to adapt and make it work.

As far as I am aware they don't HAVE a deadline, at least as far as the
Open Source version is concerned. Neither do they have to publish one.
There is nothing wrong with that.

They have always been vague about dates - they try to give an idea, but
it's done when it is done. That is there prerogative. Obviously
internal/customer pressures take precedence and undoubtedly affects
their internal scheduling.

How they deal with things internally, and for On Demand is up to them.
They undoubtedly do have their own internal schedules and deadlines, but
I am sure that internal/customer pressures take precedence. However,
they are none of our business - unless we pay them.

There are many things I actually think are far more important and would
love to see them do differently - listening to the great developers that
they have here, integrating the developers patches more readily, and
fixing earlier versions would be a good start. I think they lose a lot
of support (both users and developers) due to this, not due to when the
next version will be ready/released. But that is their choice, their
decision. Not ours.

Open Source rides on the back of whatever they decide internally. We
have no 'rights' to anything whatsoever. Personally I'm just grateful
that they even release it as Open Source.

B. Rgds

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