[Vtigercrm-developers] Packaging newly created module

Support Team TheEasyRef support at theeasyref.com
Wed Nov 6 21:22:06 GMT 2013


I have written a small module than enables to track payments of accounts.
Basically, it is a 1:m relationship with the account module, i.e. one
account can have multiple payment tracking entities. The idea is that I can
have my payment tracking module appear as a related list under the accounts
(organisations), just like other modules as quotes, projects, products etc

I used vtlib to create a script for the installation. For configuring the
relationship I use the get_dependents_list function as mentioned by Joe
Bordes at http://www.crmevolutivo.com/doku.php/es:vtlibrelated

concretely the code for this is :
$module->setRelatedList(Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Accounts'), 'Payment

this will correctly update the vtiger_relatedlists table with an extra

So the script works perfectly with no problem. However, when I want to
export the new module, and install it on a new vtiger instance, I am
loosing the relationship. This means that the payment tracking will not
appear as a related list in the accounts. After checking, I found out that
the import of the zip package will not update the vtiger_relatedlists table.

Any idea why the export process is not working smoothly?

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