[Vtigercrm-developers] Bugs etc - Was password vs accessKey

Doug sailsfast at gmail.com
Wed Apr 17 18:52:08 UTC 2013

Hate to be that guy who piles on however...
100% spot on!

Would make life much easier for us and is in the whole likely easier for
the internal vtiger devs  in the long run.
On Apr 17, 2013 1:42 PM, "Adam Heinz" <amh at metricwise.net> wrote:

> On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 10:25 AM, Adam Heinz <amh at metricwise.net> wrote:
>> Instead I get crickets and dust.
> Since I've had a week to cool off with no response, I thought I'd add to
> my list of projects to improve developer experience:
> - Booleans in the database should be TINYINT(1), with 1 = true and 0
> false, not the current confusing mix.
> - Replace custom vt_DateTime and DateTimeField classes with integer time
> or core PHP DateTime class.  Code is like makeup; less is more.  This is
> part of a larger problem of too much code.  Please please please use Zend
> or PEAR or ADOdb or any of the other common frameworks that have thousands
> of users and their own development teams and years of working proof and
> take all that work off of your plate. You've spent a year implementing your
> own custom MVC -- now you get to maintain it and you've lost all that time.
>  I'm half inclined to see if I can implement Zend Framework MVC in a
> weekend that is backwards compatible with existing files.
> - When you push code to the public svn, push it as individual change sets
> so that developers can backport patches to old version, or get a better
> understanding of why things are built the way they are.  Better yet, work
> in the public svn and merge fixes into your hidden OnDemand branch.  If you
> do that, developers can give you timely feedback on your changes -- or
> maybe even help with the implementation.  The same is true of Trac -- bugs
> should be closed as they are fixed and the code should be visible and
> linked from the bug at that time.
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