[Vtigercrm-developers] Bugs etc - Was password vs accessKey

Adam Heinz amh at metricwise.net
Wed Apr 17 17:40:15 UTC 2013

On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 10:25 AM, Adam Heinz <amh at metricwise.net> wrote:

> Instead I get crickets and dust.

Since I've had a week to cool off with no response, I thought I'd add to my
list of projects to improve developer experience:

- Booleans in the database should be TINYINT(1), with 1 = true and 0 false,
not the current confusing mix.
- Replace custom vt_DateTime and DateTimeField classes with integer time or
core PHP DateTime class.  Code is like makeup; less is more.  This is part
of a larger problem of too much code.  Please please please use Zend or
PEAR or ADOdb or any of the other common frameworks that have thousands of
users and their own development teams and years of working proof and take
all that work off of your plate. You've spent a year implementing your own
custom MVC -- now you get to maintain it and you've lost all that time.
 I'm half inclined to see if I can implement Zend Framework MVC in a
weekend that is backwards compatible with existing files.
- When you push code to the public svn, push it as individual change sets
so that developers can backport patches to old version, or get a better
understanding of why things are built the way they are.  Better yet, work
in the public svn and merge fixes into your hidden OnDemand branch.  If you
do that, developers can give you timely feedback on your changes -- or
maybe even help with the implementation.  The same is true of Trac -- bugs
should be closed as they are fixed and the code should be visible and
linked from the bug at that time.
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