[Vtigercrm-developers] Event Handler broken?

Alan Lord alanslists at gmail.com
Thu Nov 29 04:30:35 PST 2012

Anyone seen this before?

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'Deadlock 
occured for events: CompaniesHandler' in 
/var/www/vtiger/include/events/VTEventTrigger.inc:155 Stack trace: #0 
VTEventTrigger->trigger(Object(VTEntityData)) #1 
Object(VTEntityData)) #2 /var/www/vtiger/modules/Accounts/Save.php(103): 
CRMEntity->save('Accounts') #3 /var/www/vtiger/index.php(749): 
include('/var/www/vtiger/mo...') #4 {main} thrown in 
/var/www/vtiger/include/events/VTEventTrigger.inc on line 155

I can't work out what has caused it to stop working :-(

Now I can't save any entity, even though the Event Handler registration 
record has

event_name:    vtiger.entity.aftersave
handler_path:  modules/Companies/CompaniesHandler.php
handler_class: CompaniesHandler
cond:          moduleName in ['Companies', 'Quotes', 'SalesOrder', 
is_active:     1
dependent_on:  []

so it shouldn't be triggered at all when I am trying simply to save a 
Lead or an Account for example.

In the CompaniesHandler class I also have a check:

class CompaniesHandler extends VTEventHandler {
	function handleEvent($eventName, $data) {
		if($eventName == 'vtiger.entity.aftersave') {
			$module = $data->getModuleName();
			if ($module == "Companies") {
			} else if ($module == "Invoice" || $module == "Quotes" || $module == 
"SalesOrder") {

This was all working until recently (I think) but something seems to 
have caused it to break and I can't work out what...

But firstly, why on earth is my event handler even being called when I 
am saving an entity which is not in the event registration condition field?

The entity does actually get saved by the way. So this error is 
definitely happening on the "aftersave" event trigger...



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