[Vtigercrm-developers] any DMS or Plugin available to integrate in vtiger CRM
Matteo Baranzoni
barra at greenbitweb.com
Thu Nov 22 00:02:16 PST 2012
we were considering the integration of ownCloud ( http://owncloud.org/ )
that have an excellent sync client that allows to have documents on your PC
have the money to do it, but not developers: (
2012/11/22 Ramya Banglore <ramya.banglore at gmail.com>
> Hi all,
>>> If i click on Document in Documents Module then it will show the
>>> Download option ,instead of that if i click on the file it will open the
>>> document for editing
> For example in gmail if any file we have to upload, then it will
> show three options , View(to see the document), download(to download the
> document) ,Share(to share the Document)
> I think now you understood , what is my problem
>>> Thanks & Regards,
>>> B.Ramya.
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> http://www.vtiger.com/
>> --
>> Muhammed Abdul Salim
> _______________________________________________
> http://www.vtiger.com/
Matteo Baranzoni - Greenbit WEB
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