[Vtigercrm-developers] Individual Email Outgoing Server settings (solution)

mail at dvoges.de mail at dvoges.de
Wed Nov 21 07:47:29 PST 2012

Hello all,

at first, the "reply to" works every time, becuase there are two  
fields in the email header, "email-from" and "reply-to". But in many  
email systems the "email from" is shown as sender. This looks not  
professional, when this is not the same address as the "reply-to"  

Hell MAGGI Conrado,

( ...)

> Detlef,
> Thanks for the path. Maybe a better approach would be reading the  
> user info setup in mail manager since all the info you need is  
> already there. Or create these fields directly in user module using  
> vtlib this way they are editable using UI (My Preferences). If you  
> need an example please let me know.
> Conrado

This sounds great, i am very interested at your example. Greeting, Detlef

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