[Vtigercrm-developers] Question about Email module
Alan Lord
alanslists at gmail.com
Tue Nov 20 07:39:01 PST 2012
I am (slowly) getting one of my custom vtlib modules to work with a
relationship to the Email module.
It's rather painful because of the large amount of hard-coding of
modules in the Email code.
Anyway - I am stuck.
In my relatedList under my vtlib module I have my Add Email button.
That generates the small "Select email addresses" popup and I am able to
select the right email address(es).
When I click Select I get the Compose Email popup (A smarty template:
ComposeEmail.tpl) and I have the "To:" field correctly populated.
However, the drop down only ever shows:
What I want to do is add my vtlib module to this list but I can't work
out where it getting set in the Email/EditView.php file...
It is this block of code in the template:
<select name="parent_type">
{foreach key=labelval item=selectval from=$elements.1.0}
{if $selectval eq selected}
{assign var=selectmodule value="selected"}
{assign var=selectmodule value=""}
<option value="{$labelval}" {$selectmodule}>{$APP[$labelval]
Any pointers gratefully received.
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