[Vtigercrm-developers] Document module

Joe Bordes joe at tsolucio.com
Thu Mar 15 03:03:18 PDT 2012

I think you are looking for this. It should have been added to the 
application a long time ago, it is one of those things that I just don't 
understand but don't question anymore:



El 15/03/12 10:49, Alan Lord (News) escribió:
> Hi all,
> A customer recently started getting those "Record created-vTiger Team"
> messages sent to every member of the assigned group, but only for new
> documents it seemed.
> I couldn't see why these notifications would suddenly start appearing
> but managed to track the mail function down and modified the CRMentity
> file at line 77 to stop them:
> if($module != "Calendar"&&  $module != "Accounts"&&  $module !=
> "Contacts"&&  $module != "Documents"){
> But I also noticed something quite annoying.
> When I went into to Tools-Documents to start looking at what the issue
> was, in each Document module detail view there isn't any way of seeing
> to which entity the document is related. That seems rather amiss to me...
> Any comments?
> Thanks
> Alan

Un saludo

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