[Vtigercrm-developers] Webservices & Related Lists?

Alan Lord alanslists at gmail.com
Thu Jun 21 02:49:10 PDT 2012

We have come up against an interesting issue...

We will have a nightly job which updates various modules (some standard 
some custom via vtlib) in vtiger from an external source.

We have two custom modules which have a n:n relationship between 
themselves and consequently use the vtiger_relatedlists and crmentityrel 
tables to map their peer entities.

There doesn't appear to be a Webservices API to enable the creation of 
these relationships...

Our initial thoughts are either to extend the WS API Query tool to 
support INSERT AND UPDATE or to create a new WS API for full CRUD on 
these relationships, or just write SQL queries to deal with this.

Any other thoughts/comments?



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