[Vtigercrm-developers] This shouldn't be so hard!
prasad at vtiger.com
Mon Jun 11 06:42:31 PDT 2012
File attachement was a controlled operation and needs to be enabled by
Generally, MODULENAME->save_module() should trigger the call to
Look at modules/HelpDesk/HelpDesk.php
Let us know if it helps.
On Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 6:11 PM, Alan Lord (News) <alanslists at gmail.com>wrote:
> I'm creating a new module for a client using vtlib.
> We need to have a field in that module that will allow a user to attach
> an image or other file.
> There seem to be several possible UI types, 27/28, 61, 69, 105 & 107,
> none of which work in my tests.
> I also tried creating a UI type 10 field and
> setRelatedModules(array('Documents')) so the user could instead select a
> specific attachment already created and saved in the Document module,
> but this doesn't work either. The popup allows me to select the document
> but on save the field is always empty and nothing is being stored in the
> new modules database.
> The forums are littered with requests with this functionality but no
> conclusive answers...
> What is the right way to do what I, and many others, need?
> Thanks in advance
> Al
> --
> Libertus Solutions
> http://www.libertus.co.uk
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