[Vtigercrm-developers] Install docs on Wiki need update

Alan Lord (News) alanslists at gmail.com
Fri Jun 8 02:38:48 PDT 2012

On 08/06/12 08:37, Prasad wrote:
> Alan,
> Thanks for catching the typo. We have noticed apache username
> to be different of *nix flavors. Have you encountered the same or will
> it work regardless?

Hi Prasad,

Yeah different distros use different process owners. For example,

Debian/Ubuntu use www-data:www-data
CentOS uses apache:apache

and I am sure others will use different user/group combinations.

I would suggest though, that if someone is installing from the source 
tarball they should be able to work this bit out for themselves ;-)

The instructions should probably just refer to the webserver process 
owner and group. People are starting to use other webservers instead of 
apache too, e.g. nginx, lighttpd...



Libertus Solutions

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