[Vtigercrm-developers] address module

Adam Heinz amh at metricwise.net
Fri Jun 1 13:25:45 PDT 2012

On Fri, Jun 1, 2012 at 12:41 PM, Rodrigo Souza <rodrigo at hostplan.com.br>wrote:

> I found the idea excellent! But we have to analyze the situation better
> for not having a table with many records, impacting on the performance of
> the database. Let me give an example of a client of mine:

This is a good point, as consolidating addresses into a single table is the
opposite of sharding, but I think the vtiger_crmentity table is a worse
example of this.  A compromise might be to create a single table for each
type of address.  For example, vtiger_quotesshipads and vtiger_accountshipads
could be consolidated into a single vtiger_shippingaddress table used by
both Accounts and Quotes modules, much like vtiger_inventoryproductrel is
already used by both Quotes and Sales Orders modules.

One problem I've thought of with the related record approach is that the
list views do not currently support searches on related modules, and
searching on address is very useful.
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