[Vtigercrm-developers] HelpDesk constructUpdateLog() function

Prasad prasad at vtiger.com
Wed Jul 4 03:35:48 PDT 2012


You are right, constructUpdateLog is a deprecated functionality
which will be taken over by ModTracker. We plan to leverage
ModTracker that what is able to track as of now.


On Wed, Jul 4, 2012 at 12:54 PM, Alan Lord <alanslists at gmail.com> wrote:

> I've been looking at the HelpDesk module and the way we can send emails
> based on vtiger email templates that our customers would be able to edit
> so they look right for their business.
> The Update History email field is really useful but not very well
> executed in my opinion.
> The output of this field
> "
> Status Changed to In Progress\. Priority Changed to Low\. Severity
> Changed to Minor\. Category Changed to Big Problem\. -- Tuesday 03rd
> July 2012 02:23:55 PM by admin--//--
> "
> is a bit of a mess and includes data that has not changed. I set up a
> test workflow and changed only the Status picklist in the above example.
> In the HelpDeskHandler.php file there appears to be a more elegant
> system based on the VTEntityDelta().
> If I add a comment to a ticket it immediately sends an email (no
> workflow here?) with a "dump" of all the comments in an unformatted
> manner with no indication of what has changed or when.
> If anything else on the ticket is edited one must wait for the workflow
> job to run. This is inconsistent with the above.
> Before I go re-inventing the wheel, it strikes me that
> 1. The default workflows for Tickets need seriously looking at.
> 2. ModTracker could remove the need for the Ticket History block and as
> such the constructUpdateLog() function could be improved to provide some
> useful data that could be used for customer notifications in custom
> email templates...
> If there are any plans or thoughts on this I'd be delighted to hear them.
> Cheers
> Al
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