[Vtigercrm-developers] Customize event fields - Calendar module

Nicolas Larcipretti niclarcipretti at gmail.com
Tue Dec 20 02:44:35 PST 2011


Eu tive que fazer uma alteração destas no módulo de calendário, o que você
precisa fazer exatamente? Talvez eu possa te ajudar de alguma maneira.

(desculpe, não tive tempo de ler teus e-mails passados, estou meio ocupado
no momento, mas sintetiza ai que talvez eu possa ajudá-la)



2011/12/19 Nathalia França <nath.campreguer at gmail.com>

> Just to Update the topic: I've being working hard on calendar module and
> i've gone lots of ways and done many things that didn't work. Now i think i
> can understand most part of calendar relations and how it works. I still
> want to show different fields for each event type and now i realized that i
> need to learn how Smarty comunicates with the calendar module so i can do
> that on the templates. I'll try to hide the fields i don't want to show so
> i don't need to change anything on the database.
> If someone wants to know what i've notice on calendar module or if somene
> is doing something similar, please contact me! It would be very helpfull to
> have someone else working on this! Its getting harder.
> Thank you!
> Nathalia Campreguer França
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