[Vtigercrm-developers] Customize event fields - Calendar module

Nathalia França nath.campreguer at gmail.com
Mon Dec 19 13:24:39 PST 2011

Just to Update the topic: I've being working hard on calendar module and
i've gone lots of ways and done many things that didn't work. Now i think i
can understand most part of calendar relations and how it works. I still
want to show different fields for each event type and now i realized that i
need to learn how Smarty comunicates with the calendar module so i can do
that on the templates. I'll try to hide the fields i don't want to show so
i don't need to change anything on the database.

If someone wants to know what i've notice on calendar module or if somene
is doing something similar, please contact me! It would be very helpfull to
have someone else working on this! Its getting harder.

Thank you!

Nathalia Campreguer França
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