[Vtigercrm-developers] vtigercrm-developers Digest, Vol 71, Issue 2

Antoni Bertran antoni at tresipunt.com
Sat Dec 17 11:29:45 PST 2011

Thanks Nathalia,

I added one table to save the relations

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `vtiger_activity_relations` (
  `id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `id_related` int(11) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`,`id_related`)

Then I modified the code of RepeatEvents.php and I added two functions:

 * Save data of relation (Antoni Bertran 20111217)
 * @param int $id
 * @param int $id_related
 static function save_relation($id, $id_related) {
global $adb;
 $sql = "insert into vtiger_activity_relations values (?,?)";
return $adb->pquery($sql, array($id, $id_related));
* Delete previous relation (Antoni Bertran 20111217)
* @param int $id
 * @param int $id_related
static function delete_previous_relation($id) {
global $adb;
$new_focus = new Activity();
 //Antoni Eliminem els fills repetits 20111217
$fieldRes = $adb->pquery('SELECT id_related FROM vtiger_activity_relations
 WHERE id=?', array($id));
 $numOfFields = $adb->num_rows($fieldRes);
for ($i=0; $i<$numOfFields; $i++) {
 $id_related = $adb->query_result($fieldRes, $i, 'id_related');
$new_focus->trash('Calendar', $id_related);
return $adb->pquery('DELETE FROM vtiger_activity_relations  WHERE id=?',

Then I call from repeat function

 * Repeat Activity instance till given limit.
 static function repeat($focus) {

global $log;
$repeat = getrecurringObjValue();
 *//Antoni gets id*
* $id = $focus->id;*
* //Antoni delete previous relation*
* self::delete_previous_relation($id);*
* *$frequency = $repeat->recur_freq;
 $repeattype= $repeat->recur_type;
 $base_focus = new Activity();
$base_focus->id = $_REQUEST['record'];

$base_focus_start = $base_focus->column_fields['date_start'].'
 $base_focus_end = $base_focus->column_fields['due_date'].'

 $repeat_limit =

$repeatIntervals = self::getRepeatInterval($repeattype, $frequency,
$repeat, $base_focus_start, $repeat_limit);

$base_focus_start = self::mktime($base_focus_start);
 $base_focus_end   = self::mktime($base_focus_end);

$skip_focus_fields = Array ('record_id', 'createdtime', 'modifiedtime',

/** Create instance before and reuse */
$new_focus = new Activity();

$numberOfRepeats = count($repeatIntervals);
foreach($repeatIntervals as $index => $interval) {
 $new_focus_start_timing = self::nexttime($base_focus_start, "+$interval
$new_focus_start_timing =

$new_focus_end_timing = self::nexttime($base_focus_end, "+$interval days");
$new_focus_end_timing =

// Reset the new_focus and prepare for reuse
if(isset($new_focus->id)) unset($new_focus->id);
 $new_focus->column_fields = array();

foreach($base_focus->column_fields as $key=>$value) {
 if(in_array($key, $skip_focus_fields)) {
// skip copying few fields
 } else if($key == 'date_start') {
$new_focus->column_fields['date_start'] = $new_focus_start_timing[0];
 } else if($key == 'time_start') {
$new_focus->column_fields['time_start'] = $new_focus_start_timing[1];
 } else if($key == 'time_end') {
$new_focus->column_fields['time_end']   = $new_focus_end_timing[1];
 } else if($key == 'due_date') {
$new_focus->column_fields['due_date']   = $new_focus_end_timing[0];
 } else {
//$new_focus->column_fields[$key]         = $value;
//Antoni 20111217 per evitar que surti els acutes obtenint els valors
 $new_focus->column_fields[$key]         = $_REQUEST[$key];
 //Antoni Don't send repeats emails 20121217
//if($numberOfRepeats > 10 && $index > 10) {
* //Antoni obtenim ID del fill creat per relacionar-ho*
 *$id_related = $new_focus->id;*
* self::save_relation($id, $id_related);*

Then the last hack is in Activity.php
// Function to unlink all the dependent entities of the given Entity by Id
function unlinkDependencies($module, $id) {
global $log;

$sql = 'DELETE FROM vtiger_activity_reminder WHERE activity_id=?';
$this->db->pquery($sql, array($id));
 $sql = 'DELETE FROM vtiger_recurringevents WHERE activityid=?';
 $this->db->pquery($sql, array($id));
* //Antoni repeats delete*
* $fieldRes = $this->db->pquery('SELECT id_related FROM
vtiger_activity_relations  WHERE id=?', array($id));*
* $numOfFields = $this->db->num_rows($fieldRes);*
* for ($i=0; $i<$numOfFields; $i++) {*
* $id_related = $this->db->query_result($fieldRes, $i, 'id_related');*
* $this->mark_deleted($id_related);*
* $this->unlinkDependencies($module, $id_related);*
* }*
  parent::unlinkDependencies($module, $id);

I tested and works correctly, there is only one important thing to know if
you modify a related Task and then go back and modify parent task, the
modifications on related task will be lost.

Bests Regards,

Antoni Bertran Bellido
3&Punt Solucions Informàtiques SLL
935325991 - 935325992
C.Aragó 390, àtic 3
08013 Barcelona
Tel 935325991
Mob 677410818
Fax 935325992

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2011/12/17 Nathalia França <nath.campreguer at gmail.com>

> Antoni,
> I'm trying to understand how Calendar module works and it relates to
> activities somehow. Researching the database i found tables where
> activities data is saved.
> I'm not sure that it's correct but i'll tell what i found maybe it will
> help you.
> - Vtiger_activity is the table that keeps data of the main activities.
> - Vtiger_recurringevents is the table that keeps data of the recurring
> activities(The type of activities that can be repeated are events on
> Calendar module)
> Both tables are related trought activityid column.
> I think the best way to delete and update activities is using the visual
> mode because that way you won't corrupt your database. But if you need to
> delete it in another way search for tables with events, fields and activity
> on their names. It´s quite easy to understand their relation.
> Please send me your progress it will help me too!
> Nathalia Campreguer França
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: Antoni Bertran <tunyafix at gmail.com>
>> To: vtigercrm-developers at lists.vtigercrm.com
>> Cc:
>> Date: Wed, 14 Dec 2011 11:36:24 +0100
>> Subject: [Vtigercrm-developers] Repeat Activities, vtiger 5.2.1
>> Hello! I have a question about Repeat Activities. I will post my
>> questions and my assumption
>> When I active the Repeat there is any difference between indicate "Until
>> date" or not? If I indicate Until Date then create N activities. If I don't
>> indicate Until Date I think the reminder doesn't work correctly.
>> There is a database_schema but don't explain for what is using the
>> tables.
>> http://wiki.vtiger.com/index.php/Database_schema
>> There is any table to keep the relations between Main Activities and
>> Repeated Activities?
>> To delete and update related Activities what have to do?
>> Thanks!
>> Antoni
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> http://www.vtiger.com/
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