[Vtigercrm-developers] 1st post

Sylvain WITMEYER webmaster at myeshop.fr
Tue Aug 16 14:22:10 PDT 2011

Hi guys

This is my first post about vtiger and I like to see that this list is
very active.

1/ I faced a problem for hours about the recurring invoice cron

file : cron/modules/SalesOrder/ReccuringInvoiceCron.sh

the file was exectued via ssh but not by the cron.
the problem is that we have to use the full path to php binary

export USE_PHP=php
export USE_PHP=/usr/local/bin/php

and it works

2/ Have you ever think about using github for the development of vtiger.
Most of open-source are now using this tool and it's really awesome. I'm
sure vtiger could become better, faster thank's to github

3/ I saw that each entity was logged in the table crm_entity. Vtiger is
using a softDelete function for deleting these entities. Is thee a
reason about that ? Why don't you use an Innodb relation with mysql for
deleting in cascade each entity.

Thank you

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