[Vtigercrm-developers] Create but not View

Asha asha at vtiger.com
Mon Aug 15 22:13:38 PDT 2011

Hi Alan,

You are right.

The current assumption is that, if you have Edit permission for a record,
you also have the View permission on the record.

Few Questions that would arise with the design you are proposing would be:

   - Without viewing a record, how can you even edit the record?
   - Once you have permission to edit a record, you get to see all the
   record information, then why not view access?

There would me lot of questions that would arise on this point.

Giving only Edit option without View, doesn't make sense in general.

But in the case like Lead Conversion, it might make sense. Something we need
to think deeper and come up with a proper design.

I feel, we should not hurry on this to decide on the approach. Might end up
with a wrong design otherwise.

Let me know your thoughts as well.

*Others on the Developers list are also most welcome to put forward their
thoughts on this.*

On Thu, Aug 11, 2011 at 7:34 PM, Alan Lord (News) <alanslists at gmail.com>wrote:

> In another usability enhancement example, I was with a new client
> yesterday where it would have been useful if a particular salesperson's
> Role had the ability to could convert a Lead into an Account/Potential
> but not be able to then View the new entities.
> In their business One level of salesperson is only to work on Leads -
> once qualified they are handled by a different team.
> In the Profile configuration you cannot have Create/Edit without View.
> Al
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