[Vtigercrm-developers] Meaning of the presence field in vtiger_field table?

Musavir Khan musavir at vtiger.com
Sat Nov 20 21:19:00 PST 2010

hi alan,

looks like migration is handling the cases that is why this is happening.

with respect presence value, the valid values are 0,1 and 2 which are
interpreted as always visible, hidden and user controlled visible by default


On Thu, Nov 18, 2010 at 2:14 PM, Alan Lord (News) <alanslists at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi all,
> We've been doing a bit of consulting for a business which has a rather
> old, but large, vtiger system built/hacked by a company called OnTAP.
> It looks like it was based on a vtiger 4.x version.
> Our client has software engineering skills in house and they have
> successfully migrated most, if not all, of their data into a clean
> vtiger 5.2 installation. :-)
> One thing came up yesterday however when we looked at the custom fields
> which they'd migrated...
> On the old database these fields had the "presence" value set to 0 and
> all seemed to work fine from a user's and an admin perspective.
> On vtiger 5.2, these fields (especially picklists) were "not available"
> to users but were if you logged in as admin. Also, in the module
> manager, when editing a custom field, the "active" checkbox is greyed
> out (yet looks to be ticked) but you can't edit it; even as admin.
> Creating a new custom field in 5.2 the only difference I could see is
> the value of the presence field in the vtiger_field table.
> The old ones all had it set to "0". The new one we created set it to "2".
> Can someone explain what this field is for and what the values indicate?
> I assume that this value's meaning has changed over time too, as on
> their old vtiger system they all appear to be set to "0" but work fine.
> Cheers
> Al
> PS: I noted the comment on the wiki here
> http://wiki.vtiger.com/index.php/Creating_New_Fields_in_Existing_Modules
> but it doesn't mention a value of "2". (Whilst I was there I added the
> masseditable and helpinfo fields to the wiki page.)
> --
> The Open Learning Centre
> http://www.theopenlearningcentre.com
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