[Vtigercrm-developers] Fwd: Patch: import that deals with duplicates

Dirk Gorny Dirk.Gorny at Genion.de
Wed Mar 7 00:47:00 PST 2007

Am Mittwoch, 7. März 2007 schrieb xavier dutoit:

> I would like to know how to update my local copy to 5.0.3 from svn (cf
> my previous mail).

If you want to get all files you only have to do a svn export 
http://vtiger.fosslabs.com/svn/vtiger/vtigercrm/branches/5.0.3/ ./$LOCALDIRECTORY

Because of changes in the structure of the source between the checked out 
source and the deployment you have to build a diff if you want to update a 
working deployment and update by "patch".

Please look for DB changes every time and fix the DB by hand.

Best regards,


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