[Vtigercrm-developers] vtigercrm-developers Digest, Vol 13, Issue 15
Torsten Zenk
tzenk at gmx.net
Wed Jan 24 07:54:50 PST 2007
well this sounds to be quite a faster strategy, then to build up
modulteams, so i guess you should first do it that way,.
Tell me if you need any help there in testing, documenting or organizing.
Best Regards
Ken Lyle schrieb:
>> Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2007 17:34:47 +0530
>> From: richie <richie at vtiger.com>
>> Subject: Re: [Vtigercrm-developers] Automated
>> Testing?
> ...
>> AdventNet had given us a licence to use the QEngine
>> for the regression
>> testing purposes.
>> We can use that for our testing purposes.
>> It will be good if we could have some automation
>> test team. The QA team
>> could handle this.
>> I had earlier posted a mail about having module QA
>> teams as suggested by
>> Torsten.
> Great, Richie.
> I think that this should be an interesting challenge
> for you. You will likely need a QEngine expert
> internally.
> For testing, there should likely be a set of *default*
> data that's assumed to be in the database, the sample
> data that ships with the app should be sufficient.
> There will be testing scenarios like "try to add
> duplicate data".
> For starters, we can develop tests against the /wip
> version, but...
> It should be possible to use the one QEngine install
> at your site to test multiple vTiger instances around
> the World. This way, there is no overhead in
> distributing new test sequences.
> At
> http://www.adventnet.com/products/qengine/help/context_sensitive_help/creating_datadriven_testcase.html
> there is a sample script:
> ===
> useLocalMapFile()
> launchApplication("http://localhost:4444/examples/payrollsystem/index.html")
> setWindow( "AdventNet Payroll System",5)
> clickList("View",1)
> setWindow( "AdventNet Payroll System Package - Form to
> View Employee Details",1)
> setText("yourname","Mary",3)
> setText("dept","Sales",3)
> #Test case which includes element checkpoint to
> validate the property value #of employee name field.
> executeTest("mytest1")
> ===
> This almost reads like English...
> There would just have to be a way to vary the server
> path.
> There would be a web form somewhere on the vTiger site
> where people can register new instances of O/S
> combinations/vTiger versions that have not yet been
> tested, etc., and to schedule test runs...kind of like
> I do at ScanAlert..."scan me please, and make the
> report available under my account".
> For starters...there is also some kind of "object
> map", which I guess is how QEngine knows what to click
> and where to type...either your expert or AdventNet
> should be able to generate a set of baseline scripts:
> -Every List:
> -Open the List
> -Insert a Record
> -Type random stuff into every required field
> -Click OK
> -Open the List
> -Select a record at random
> -Delete the Record
> This I would call Phase I...that every single list and
> form/page opens correctly without error, and accepts
> new records.
> Then, we can build from there...like field validation,
> etc.
> I can play a part in this. I think I am a decent
> analyst, and I can almost read the code/pseudo-code
> above, BUT there are probably people who could have
> the AdventNet system singing before I could even start
> to get literate in it.
> Best,
> Ken
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