[Vtigercrm-developers] vtigercrm-developers Digest, Vol 13, Issue 15

Ken Lyle kenlyle at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 24 06:00:41 PST 2007

> Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2007 17:34:47 +0530
> From: richie <richie at vtiger.com>
> Subject: Re: [Vtigercrm-developers] Automated
> Testing?
> AdventNet had given us a licence to use the QEngine
> for the regression 
> testing purposes.
> We can use that for our testing purposes.
> It will be good if we could have some automation
> test team. The QA team 
> could handle this.
> I had earlier posted a mail about having module QA
> teams as suggested by 
> Torsten.

Great, Richie.

I think that this should be an interesting challenge
for you.  You will likely need a QEngine expert

For testing, there should likely be a set of *default*
data that's assumed to be in the database, the sample
data that ships with the app should be sufficient. 
There will be testing scenarios like "try to add
duplicate data".

For starters, we can develop tests against the /wip
version, but...

It should be possible to use the one QEngine install
at your site to test multiple vTiger instances around
the World.  This way, there is no overhead in
distributing new test sequences.

there is a sample script:

setWindow( "AdventNet Payroll System",5)
setWindow( "AdventNet Payroll System Package - Form to
View Employee Details",1)
#Test case which includes element checkpoint to
validate the property value #of employee name field.

This almost reads like English...

There would just have to be a way to vary the server

There would be a web form somewhere on the vTiger site
where people can register new instances of O/S
combinations/vTiger versions that have not yet been
tested, etc., and to schedule test runs...kind of like
I do at ScanAlert..."scan me please, and make the
report available under my account".

For starters...there is also some kind of "object
map", which I guess is how QEngine knows what to click
and where to type...either your expert or AdventNet
should be able to generate a set of baseline scripts:

-Every List:
   -Open the List
   -Insert a Record
   -Type random stuff into every required field
   -Click OK

   -Open the List
   -Select a record at random
   -Delete the Record

This I would call Phase I...that every single list and
form/page opens correctly without error, and accepts
new records.

Then, we can build from there...like field validation,

I can play a part in this.  I think I am a decent
analyst, and I can almost read the code/pseudo-code
above, BUT there are probably people who could have
the AdventNet system singing before I could even start
to get literate in it.


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