[Vtigercrm-developers] Richie, Gopal or vtiger representation

Manilal K M libregeek at gmail.com
Wed Aug 8 04:15:31 PDT 2007

Hi all,
  I am glad that the vtiger community  has started seriously to look
into the issues of contributors. Before adding anymore features to the
current code base, I would prefer fixing the security issues and
cleaning up code in the current code base.

Eg. The application uses PEAR and ADOdb in the source code. I don't
know why we require two database abstraction layers. This makes the
code unmaintanable and cumbersome. The current module management is
really a mess.

There is also the whole issue of application structure and strategy.
Please refer the bug:
These kind of bugs prove that the application cannot be deployed in a
production environment. I have raised this issue in the bug tracker
and in the mailing list, but didn't got any reply. IMO, an enterprise
application should have maximum security, but in this case a simple
SQL query can withdraw all the passwords in plain text format.

Manilal K M.
Better to light one candle than to curse the darkness.

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