[Vtigercrm-developers] How to make vtiger better?

Thomas Mathiesen lists at thomasmathiesen.com
Wed Sep 27 09:38:21 PDT 2006

I came up with an idea after implementing a color patch for one of my 
vtiger customers.. why don't we do what firefox does; extensions!

If we'd have a straight-forward framework for extensions, we'd be able 
to let others create functionality and include in an easy way. Under the 
settings menu you could have a "extensions" page, where admins could 
enable or disable an extension.

Joomla and Xoops works in this way.. and I do believe people would like 
this in vTiger as well (even though it has much more core functionality 
than the two others).


Richie wrote:
> Hello!
> I would like to get your views on what else can be done to make vtiger product and community
> better. 

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