[Vtigercrm-developers] Inventory numbers for the modules PO, SO, Quotes and Invoice

Abos webmaster at vtigercrmfrance.org
Wed Jun 21 03:35:42 PDT 2006

Hi Mickie,
lot of company here use ddmmyyN°quoteoftheday
My first quote of today have the ID : 2106061
21 (for today) 06 (this month) 06 (this year) 1 (first quote today)
My first quote for tomorrow will be :
Same thing for invoices...
so the first invoice for today as the same N° as the first quote of today.
You can also add I/Q/P/S for begin or  finish the N°


Mickie a écrit :
> Dear Team,
> we have a plan to provide the serial number (ie., auto increment 
> number ) for PO, SO, Quotes and Invoice based on your openions.
> As of now the crmid is used as PO id, SO id, quoteid and invoiceid 
> where as these ids will not be sequencial for each module. The first 
> invoiceid will be 100 and the second invoiceid may be 250, etc.,
> To avoid this problem, we will configure the starting number for each 
> entity (salesorderid, purchaseorderid, quoteid and invoiceid). After 
> configured this starting number for each module when we save the 
> corresponding entity this id will be incremented where as we will get 
> the ids as a sequencial one.
> In the mean time shall we provide this id as editable where as if the 
> user want then he will change the id when creating new entity.
> For example, if we configured the invoice starting number as 00123 
> then the forthcoming invoice ids will be like 000124, 000125, etc.
> or
> we can leave as it is and you can add a customfield to handle this.
> Please do post your suggestions so that we can finish it off early.
> Thanks
> Mickie
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