[Vtigercrm-developers] Inventory numbers for the modules PO, SO, Quotes and Invoice

Mickie mickie at vtiger.com
Wed Jun 21 03:21:52 PDT 2006

Dear Team,

we have a plan to provide the serial number (ie., auto increment number ) for PO, SO, Quotes and Invoice based on your openions.
As of now the crmid is used as PO id, SO id, quoteid and invoiceidwhere as these ids will not be sequencial for each module. The firstinvoiceid will be 100 and the second invoiceid may be 250, etc.,

To avoid this problem, we will configure the starting number for eachentity (salesorderid, purchaseorderid, quoteid and invoiceid). Afterconfigured this starting number for each module when we save thecorresponding entity this id will be incremented where as we will getthe ids as a sequencial one. 
In the mean time shall we provide this id as editable where as if theuser want then he will change the id when creating new entity.

For example, if we configured the invoice starting number as 00123 thenthe forthcoming invoice ids will be like 000124, 000125, etc.


we can leave as it is and you can add a customfield to handle this.

Please do post your suggestions so that we can finish it off early.

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