[Vtigercrm-developers] vtiger crm licence and debian package

Fathi Boudra fboudra at free.fr
Tue Jan 31 09:49:19 PST 2006


currently i review the debian/ubuntu package, and an important point for 
debian community is the legal question.

As already said in this post : http://forums.vtiger.com/viewtopic.php?t=4607
there's some changes to do :
- rename vtiger_crm directory in vtiger-crm
- replace "_" by "-"
- keep source directory with version (vtiger-crm-4.2.3)
- provide tarball archive
- provide default parameters in configuration file config.php 
- hostname auto detectection doesn't work with ipv6
- remove executable flag from files
- merge LICENSE and LICENSE_AGGREEMENT to single copyright file

Don't know if it's done but for the last point, who's in charge of legal 
stuff ?

ATM the debian copyright file is :
It was downloaded from http://www.vtiger.com

Copyright Holder: (c) 2003-2005 vtiger.com

   * Mozilla Public License version 1.1
   The MPL can be found at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
   * GNU Public license (GPL)
   On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General
   Public License can be found in `/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL'

vtiger crm consists of the following components:
   * Apache software (Apache License)
   * MySQL server (GPL)
   * PHP (PHP License 3.0)
   * SugarCRM (SPL 1.1.2)
   * phpBB (GPL)
   * TUTOS (GPL)
   * phpSysinfo (GPL)
   * PHPMailer (LGPL)
   * lastRSS (GPL)
   * gdwin32 (GPL)
   * nusoap (LGPL)
   * ADOdb (BSD license)
   * FCKeditor (LGPL)
   * Squirrel Mail (GPL)
   * Mailfeed (GPL)

each one copyrighted under their respective licenses.

The complete text concerning the licenses can be found within
the package :
   * Copyright.txt
   * LICENSE.txt

taken partly from Copyright.txt. It seems (for me) a bit incomprehensible.
Some informations are false (feel free to correct me), which part of apache or 
mysql are in vtiger crm ? I'm not a lawyer but lawyer point of view is 
needed. Some clarity is requested on this subject, especially when you're 
looking vtiger crm story.



PS: a bit on gforge, i've got it installed, need to finish to setup it for a 
first use.

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