[Vtigercrm-developers] Anyone have shell access to vtigercrm sourceforge?

Josh Lee jlee at zertis.net
Tue Feb 7 06:44:59 PST 2006

I do not know about there system for sure, but I was under the belief 
that every user has their own crotab.  If this is so we don't need them 
to repair the backup, we could mearly do it our selfs (as in someone who 
has shell access with vtiger at sourceforge.net).

Jeff Kowalczyk wrote:

>I have heard nothing from sourceforge help desk regarding when they're going to
>fix the inactive nightly cvs repository backup.
>If any of the core developers have ssh access to the vtigercrm area of
>sourceforge, please look for the repository directory, which will contain
>directories as follows:
>I haven't used sourceforge shell access, so I don't know what layout it has. If
>you find repository, what we need to complete the subversion cutover is:
>a) at the *end* of vtiger team's workday, make a timestamped repos backup:
>   tar czf vtigercrm-200602071800GMT.tar.gz /path/where/repos/found
>b) Announce on this list that an attempted cvs to svn cutover is going to
>happen, and CVS checkins should be curtailed for the next 8-12 hours.
>c) scp vtigercrm-200602071800GMT.tar.gz to some other host where Matthew can
>get at it.
>d) let Matthew Brichacek know that the cutover can begin, if he has time that
>day to run through the conversion procedure.
>e) If a-d happen, Matthew announces before the vtiger team's next workday
>begins that the svn repository is open, and CVS should not be committed to
>If we don't get all the way through that in one day for some reason, we can try
>the next day, and so on.
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