[Vtigercrm-developers] Has anyone else had a problem with a user's date format preference interfered with a custom datetime field?

Alan Lord alanslists at gmail.com
Tue Dec 17 17:40:40 GMT 2024

I think I'd probably use a custom Event Handler rather than a workflow 
and make the field read-only and update it directly using a query when 
the triggering event occurs. You could add a simple test to say if the 
field is not null or not empty, then don't update it - ever.



On 17/12/2024 17:27, Steve Kenow wrote:
> I added a custom field to troubletickets a long time ago to get a 
> date/timestamp for when the status was updated to 'Closed'. There's a 
> workflow that was added to update that field with the current date and 
> time when the status field changed to that value, and it was only set 
> to trigger on the 1st occurrence. It was working great - until I 
> discovered many tickets that were edited afterwards were having the 
> value removed (set to 0000-00-00 00:00:00). I played around with 
> permissions, field type, visibility. Finally, I just came up with SQL 
> scripts to find the records that were affected and update them.
> Later, it was becoming more of a  problem. That was when I found that 
> the user's calendar preferences were the culprit. If they chose 
> anything other than yyyy-mm-dd as their date format, that's when the 
> field value would change. And it would change without triggering the 
> workflow.
> Workaround: auditing user preferences for the necessary date format. 
> And, running a lot of other audit reports to make sure the field is 
> properly populated because it is a criteria for a lot of other 
> activities (like billing).
> I'm looking for a *fix.
> *
> *
> *
> I would prefer the field be a non-editable field, like createdtime and 
> modifiedtime. But, my main thing is that once set, it requires a 
> deliberate action to change it, not just editing something else on the 
> record.
> *RDS Logo*
> *Steve Kenow*
> Manager, End-User Services and Support - RDS MN 
> <https://www.rdspos.com/Minneapolis-Minnesota-Grocery-Point-of-Sale-System>
> Direct: (952) 392-2686
> Office: (952) 934-4001
> Email: skenow at rdspos.com
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