[Vtigercrm-developers] Outlook plugin for Vtiger 7.x?

William Cardona wcardona2000 at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 14 14:49:12 GMT 2023

Another plugin for the issue is with the CRMTiger and it allowed to buy as perpetual and not per user.

   William A. Cardona 

"Todo lo Puedo en Cristo que me Fortalece"

Honduras, CentralAmerica

       504 9834 9127


    On Tuesday, March 14, 2023 at 05:50:41 AM CST, socialboostdk <socialboostdk at gmail.com> wrote:  
 Hi all,

I have a customer that would like to get an outlook plugin (ie. installed in their outlook) as outlook integration for Vtiger 7.x. 
The main functionality is being able to link emails from their outlook client to Vtiger, and preferably also see simple records (ie. contact info, organisation info and possibly also other stuff if possible - but this is not a strict requirement).
Aaaand its a requirement for them to be able to do some custom changes (logo etc), so as an example I dont think Corrensa can work, although I really think it looks cool.
Does this exist anywhere and does any of you have any experience with this?
Thank you!!
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